Dienstag, 5. Februar 2008

Jagender Aborigine

Aquarell und Farbstifte, 17 x 24 cm

4 Kommentare:

soulbrush hat gesagt…

we saw lots of aborigine paintings in australia while we were there. wonderful stuff

kt hat gesagt…

Oh, to think I studied German for two years in school and only remember simple words--unter,und, von. Some I can work out but others such as Malerei I will have to look up. Nevertheless, in your art it has been proven that linguistic barriers cannot stand in the way of appreciating beauty no matter the source. I can see the power in this warriors tensed body--wunderbar!

Lori Saul hat gesagt…

This is a handsome warrior- lovely lines and colors! Powerful.

Deepa Gopal hat gesagt…

Beautiful painting! Very nicely done! love the shades.