born on 8th February, 1974 in Valenciennes, France
Phone: 00 43 677 611 22 834
On 15 January 2025, an exhibition was opened at the "Frederik Ozanam Social Centre" in Resita (Romania) under the auspices of the "Union of Professional Journalists of Romania" to mark the Mihai Eminescu Year. I had the honour of contributing a drawing. (
My cartoon "Resilience against racism" was selected for the catalogue of the 28th edition of the International Competition "Fax for Peace", organized by the "Istituto d’istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento" in Italy; Theme: "Human, civil and social responsibility"
My cartoon "Resilience against racism" was selected for the catalogue and exhibition of the "IX Bienal de Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães 2024" in Espinhal / Penela Portugal. Theme: Human resistance and resilience
Participation (with one portrait of Naguib Mahfouz) in the caricature exhibition on "Tagore and Mahfouz" in May, at "Maulana Azad Center for Indian Culture" in Cairo.
Contribution of my cartoon "FIFA Word Cup 2022" for the textbook "Seydlitz Geo SII ST Einführungsphase" published by Westermann Schulbuchverlag with ISBN 978-3-14-109160-1.
Participation in the International Caricature Exhibition in Egypt entitled "In love with Naguib Mahfouz", it includes about 48 artworks by 46 caricaturists of 17 countries, under the supervision of cartoonist Fawzy Morsy, a board member of the Egyptian Caricature Association; the exhibition continues until Monday, September 4th, 2023.
On April 25th, 2023 I was represented with my picture "Innsbruck in Winter" at the benefit art event of the "Austrian Cancer Aid Tyrol" in the Tyrolean Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum.
Participation in the "5th international Kosova cartoon festival" organized by the Kosova Cartoon Association "KrAgi" (cartoon & art of Kosova in Pristina); theme: Mother Teresa
Contribution of a cartoon for the catalogue of the "International Exhibition of New Year's Cartoons - Greeting Cards" with the title "HAPPY NEW 2023!"
My cartoon "Global Water Crisis" is part of the catalogue of the "5th edition of the International Cartoon Competition" (FICA 2022) in Morocco organized by the weekly "Le Canard Libéré" in partnership with the "Moroccan Association of Caricature" (MAC) and the "Association atLas de la caricature" (AAC); theme: Environment
Participation in the exhibition "The BEST of OSCARfest" which is visiting Austria from October 27th to December 10th, 2022 at the Slovenian Cultural Association ZARJA in Bad Eisenkappel
Participation in the "3rd Annual International Competition for Caricature & Satirical Portrait - Caricatunis 2022" organized by Fayoum Art Center under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture; theme: Climate Change
Participation in the International "World Peace Day Cartoon Exhibition" organized by the Municipality of Ephesus Selcuk on the occasion of September 1st, World Peace Day
Contribution of my cartoon "Global Water Crisis" to the "Second International Initiative of Caricature Art" about "Fighting Climate Change" launched by "Rose Al-Youssef gate", the online portal to one of the oldest and most prestigious press publishing houses in Egypt and the Middle East
Participation in the International Caricature Exhibition about Mahatma Gandhi organized by the Embassy of India in Cairo in collaboration with the "Fayoum Art Center" and "Egypt Cartoon"; the exhibition will be held in October at the "Maulana Azad Center for Indian Culture" in Cairo
Design of the book cover for Hemant Agrawal's book: "Günter Grass and India - Reflections and self-reflections in his texts"; Publisher: Goyalpublishers, ISBN: 9789390474660
Participation in the "International Orhan Kemal Portrait/Caricature Exhibition 2022" created by the Municipality of Çukurova and the Izmir Cartoonists Platform. It was held in Adana in March 2022.
My cartoon "Quick Response" is part of the catalogue of the "13th OSCARfest International Cartoon Exhibition" in Croatia 2021.
The compulsory education service of the Canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland is creating teaching materials for bilingual classes as part of the PRIMA project. My cartoon "Global Water Crisis" is used for its geography textbook.
Ger Groot (on page 200, ISBN-13: 978-3423281713; dtv Verlagsgesellschaft (March 22, 2019))
Beginning of my membership at United Sketches (, an international organization of cartoonists dedicated to freedom of expression.
Out of 260 candidates and 635 cartoons of the LIBEX-2018 competition (Centro LIBREXPRESSION, Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vagno) after the 3 prizes, I was among the twelve who received an "Honourable mention" with my cartoon „Jesus on Twitter“. The cartoons of those 15 cartoonists have been published as post-cards (300 copies for each) and in the catalogue (as well as all 55 finalists).
Following my participation in the "Draw my rights" competition organized by „RHSF" in 2014 and 2015, the exhibition "Forced Labour Behind the Bar Code" has initiated a beautiful world tour. It was showed...
- At the UN in New York;
- At the Vatican;
- In Paris (Senate, City Hall, HEC, l'Entrepôt, in a big French company...) and in several French cities, including Toulouse (City Hall, Toulouse Business School,
Espace des Diversités et de la Laïcité...);
- In Luxembourg (vernissage in presence of the Minister of Justice and the President of the Advisory Commission for Human Rights);
- In Sicily (Sabir festival).
And this is not about to stop...
My drawing named "Inspiration" is published by the “Österreichischer Bundesverlag" (Oebv) for the schoolbook "sprachreif 1, Deutsch BHS” (ISBN: 978-3-209-09246-5 ; page 96.6) Release Date: 2018
Contribution of my cartoon "Globalization" to the book "BANKRUPTING THE
My caricature of "Chuck Berry" is awarded with the "Daily Toon"
Selling of the drawing "Foxconn" to the ERNST-KLETT-VERLAG
My caricature of "Muddy Waters" is awarded with the "Daily Toon"
Exhibition of my drawing "Modern slavery" by RHSF ("Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières” - see further below!) in collaboration with "Caritas Internationalis" (which showed the exhibition previously in many countries, for example in Singapore), on June 2nd, 2016 at the "International Labour Organisation" (ILO ) in Geneva.
Attendance of the life drawing class at the “Tyrolean Academy of Arts”
Commissioned work (caricature) for the Irish-Tyrolean band "Brown Spring"
Commendation for the participation in the “1st international cartoon
Contribution of a caricature for the book by Sudheer Nath to
commemorate “Charlie Chaplin´s 125th year of birth as well as the
Contribution of a caricature for the book “Je suis Charlie: Ein Buch
Participation in the travelling exhibition "Behind the bar code, human
Publication of a cartoon on the homepage and in the
Selection of my cartoons about the theme „Hunger and Thirst in the World“ for the exhibition of the seventh edition of The Novello Award held in Codogno from 4th to 26th October 2014
My cartoon "Modern slavery" is chosen for the “Company Award” (Drawings for a book of good practices that will give the keys to fight against forced labour.)
Selected for the exhibition and the catalogue of the “16th Porto Cartoon
Publication of a cartoon in the album of the "5th Cyprus International
Contribution of a cartoon for the commercial site ""
My caricature "Zlatan Ibrahimovic" is awarded with the "Daily Toon"
Cartoon "Liebeskummer" (Heartsickness) for the German "Ernst-Klett-
organized by ""
Comic strip for the German "Ernst-Klett-Publishing-House"
Guest contribution on the official website of the famous French cartoonist
Participation in the etching course (VHS Radierwerkstätte Innsbruck) of professor Weichselbaumer at the “Adult Education Center Innsbruck”
Second participation at the “Workers' Chamber Art Market” at the “Congress Center Innsbruck”
Publication of an illustration in Darren Di Lieto´s book "Medium Without a Message"
Participation in the second "Mail Me Art" exhibition at the “Red Gate Gallery” in London
Illustration of the poetry book "Under the Beringed Tree" by Thomas Hanny
with seven nude drawings
“Public Choice Award Winner” of the design contest by the food chain “MPreis”
Release of an illustration in Darren Di Lieto´s book "Going Postal with
The World's Best Illustrators and Designers "
Participation in the "Mail Me Art"-exhibition at the “Red Gate Gallery” in London
Design of a T-shirt for the fair-trade-company “Prumo” in Vienna
Exhibition of oil paintings, watercolors, ink and pencil drawings in the municipal
Exhibition of oil paintings and watercolors at the offices of the SPÖ
(Austrian Socialist Party) in Zirl
2006 until now
Regular participations in the "Workshop for Life Drawing" (Arbeitskreis für
Participation in the “Workers' Chamber-Art-Market” in the “Congress Center
Illustration of the book "Against All Flags" by Birjees Nagy with nine cartoons
Introduction to the mosaic technique at the “Atelier for Mosaic Art”
by Maria and Gerhard Storch in Zirl
Learning the human proportions in many nude and portrait drawing classes
at the “Adult Education Center Innsbruck” and participation in several group exhibitions
Attendance of a watercolor course under the guidance of Astrid Schirmer, followed by a group exhibition at the “Adult Education Center Innsbruck”
Student of the famous French artist Anne-Marie Julien Klimbacher:
Introduction to the watercolor and gouache technique
Graphic design for the website of the “Tyrolean Lawyers Association”
Publication of a cartoon in the newspaper “Tiroler Tageszeitung”
External semester in Lille, France
Community service in the state hospital of Hochzirl
Publication of the first cartoon in the newspaper "Blickpunkt Telfs"
Business studies in Innsbruck
Attendance of secondary school in Innsbruck
Attendance of secondary modern school in Zirl
Attendance of elementary school in Zirl