Mein Cartoon "Resilienz gegen Rassismus" wurde für den Katalog und die Ausstellung der "IX Bienal de Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães 2024" in Espinhal / Penela (Portugal) ausgewählt; Thema: Menschlicher Widerstand und Resilienz
My cartoon "Resilience against racism" was selected for the catalogue and exhibition of the "IX Bienal de Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães 2024" in Espinhal / Penela (Portugal); theme: Human resistance and resilience
Meine Karikatur "Resilienz gegen Rassismus" wurde für den Katalog der 28. Ausgabe des internationalen Wettbewerbs "Fax for Peace" ausgewählt, der vom "Istituto d'istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento" in Italien veranstaltet wird; Thema: "Menschliche, zivile und soziale Verantwortung"
My cartoon "Resilience against racism" was selected for the catalogue of the 28th edition of the International Competition "Fax for Peace", organized by the "Istituto d’istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento" in Italy; Theme: "Human, civil and social responsibility"
Im "Frederik-Ozanam-Sozialzentrum" in Resita (Rumänien) wurde am 15. Jänner 2025 unter der Schirmherrschaft der "Union der Berufsjournalisten Rumäniens" eine Ausstellung anlässlich des Mihai-Eminescu-Jahres eröffnet. Eine Zeichnung davon durfte ich beisteuern. (
On 15 January 2025, an exhibition was opened at the "Frederik Ozanam Social Centre" in Resita (Romania) under the auspices of the "Union of Professional Journalists of Romania" to mark the Mihai Eminescu Year. I had the honour of contributing a drawing. (
I was born in Valenciennes (Northern France) in 1974 to a French mother and an Austrian father. I live near Innsbruck in Austria where I work as a freelance illustrator. Some of my works (caricatures, cartoons and illustrations) have been published in books (Ernst Klett Verlag, dtv Verlag, Oebv, riva Verlag, Westermann Gruppe) and printed on posters and T-shirts ( I regularly participate in international cartoon and caricature contests where my drawings were shown in many catalogues and exhibitions.
Drawing insects
Every year I teach a course in scientific illustration at work, and one of
the assignments that my students have is to draw an insect from close
It is with regret that I have had to cancel my forthcoming Amuse Bouche
solo exhibition at the Town House gallery in Spitalfields, scheduled for
later this...
White House Hiring
[image: White House Hiring, Nate Beeler,The Columbus Dispatch, OH,white
house, president, donald trump, sycophant, hiring, cabinet, advisor, aide,
resign, ...